The Divide
By Gemencho: Even at face value the democratic ideals that the domesticated Ethiopian elite claim to uphold are fake. Democratic ideals are not neutral ideas. They do not confuse killers with their victims. They do ....
By Gemencho: Even at face value the democratic ideals that the domesticated Ethiopian elite claim to uphold are fake. Democratic ideals are not neutral ideas. They do not confuse killers with their victims. They do ....
አቶ ኢያሱ ዓለማየሁ፣ የኢሕአፓ ከፍተኛ አመራር አባል፣ ከፍኖተ ዴሞክራሲ የኢትዮጵያ አንድነት ድምፅ ሬዲዮ ጋር ያደረጉትን አዲስ ቃለ-መጠይቅ ያዳምጡ