Category: Home
Illegal Detention of Andargachew Tsige by Yemen
SOCEPP strongly condemns the Yemeni authorities for a possible conspiracy with the repressive regime in Addis Abeba and for the illegal detaining of Andargatchew. SOCEPP calls on Ethiopians in the Diaspora to mobilize fast ....
Journalist Dereje Begashaw in Danger in Kampala
SOCEPP: Former editor of ASQUAL newspaper, Dereje Begashaw, is facing grave dangers to his very existence in a situation of difficult exile in Kampala, Uganda. Dereje, a persistent activist within the Ethiopian community in ....
አዳዲስ ግጥሞች ከዓሣዬ
ፍኖተ የነደብተራውን ምንባብ፣ መድበለ ቃሉን ሥታሰሚ፣ ሰምተን የማንጠግብሽ፣ የብዙሃኑ ኣለኝታችን! ዕድሜ ጠገቧ ቃለ ፍኖተ፣ ኢትዮጵያዊ እሴታችን! ኑሪልን ለዘለዓለም! ብቸኛይቱ የጭቁን ሕዝብ ድምፃችን። ሙሉውን ያንብቡ... የናት ሆድ! ኣጋር መቼ ጠፍቶ፣ ለጎራዴ እጀታ!? እራሱን በሾመው፣ ብቸኛ ....
YEMEN: Akhdam people suffer history of discrimination
IRIN: The Akhdam are Arabic-speaking Muslims, same as the rest of the population. They do not belong to any of the three main Arab tribes, however, that make up traditional Yemeni society. According to the ....
የሰሜን አሜሪካ ስፓርት ፌዴሬሽን ከተደቀነበት ሴራ በድል መወጣት አለበት! ሚኖሶታ የበታኞችን ሴራ ያለጥርጥር ያከሽፋል (ከሶስቱ ጽሁፎች የመጀመሪያው) ከኦሪዮን መክብብ