Category: Literature
Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin, an acclaimed Ethiopian playwright
Obituary, Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin, Ethiopian Poet Laureate, Dies at 69 By JESSE McKINLEY, New York times, Mar 9, 2006 Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin, an acclaimed Ethiopian playwright who was also the country's poet laureate, died on ....
Ethiopia’s poet and playwright of the common people
Tsegaye Gebre-Medhin Ethiopia's poet and playwright of the common people Yohannes Edemariam and Aida Edemariam The Guardian, Wednesday 3 May 2006 The poet and dramatist Tsegaye Gebre-Medhin, who has died aged 69, was considered Ethiopia's ....
Amharic poems in memory of Tsegaye
Moti Ingida ሞት እንግዳ by Nekia-Tebeb Iri Bey Ethiopia እሪ በይ ኢትዮጵያ by Getachew Aberra Tsegaye Hiyawu New ጸጋዬ ሕያው ነው Addis from Dallas Bier Dehna Senbich ብዕር ደህና ሰንብች by ....
የሞት ጉራማይሌ
(ከአብርሃም በየነ) በማዳበሪያ መርዝ፣ ተብክሎ አፈሩ፣ በሞት ጥላ ግርዶሽ፣ ተከልሎ ምድሩ፣ እንደ ቅጠል ሲረግፍ፣ በላዩ ፍጥረቱ፣ የሞት ሳል ይስላል፣ እንደ ሰው መሬቱ። ሙሉውን ግጥም ያንብቡ